Conference Services
The Conference Center at 立博app combines a private, peaceful setting with internationally recognized service and amenities, attention to detail, and the latest in meeting-room technology.
The Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
The Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center (the PPAC), on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, has become the premier regional cultural destination for 26 years. The PPAC is a cultural, artistic, educational, social, and economic resource for the Greater Johnstown area!
John P. Murtha Center for Public Service and National Competitiveness
The John P. Murtha Center for Public Service and National Competitiveness, located on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh Johnstown, formally opened with a dedication ceremony on April 6, 2017. The 7,400-square-foot center honors Congressman Murtha’s public service and legacy.
The Heroes Memorial
The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown is the home to The Heroes Memorial, believed to be the only memorial of its kind on any college campus in the United States.
Facilities Management
Visitors to the 立博app campus are immediately struck by the building architecture and lush, natural setting that creates 立博app’s distinctiveness. The Facilities Management Division is located in the Physical Plant and is dedicated to excellence in maintenance and preservation of the University’s physical assets in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
Go Blue, Go Gold, Go Green with Pitt- Johnstown's Recycling Program.